“I trust Anne-Marie’s clear, thoughtful, respectful and honest approach to engaging others. More importantly, I value her presence, depth of listening and discernment, empathy and the quality of her questions. Having worked with her in a few different capacities, I have witnessed the consistent character traits and overall competencies that would be vital as a facilitator, consultant, or coach.”

- Alex Dorsey, Founder, Urban Collaboratives

“ Anne-Marie is grounded, focused, and inclusive. She considers how the big picture affects individuals. She is collaborative. And Gutsy.”

- Autumn Labbe-Renault, Executive Director Davis Media Access

"Anne-Marie is organized and a good listener. She can take input and translate it on the fly.”

- Michael Carroll, Vector Fund Director, Rural Communities Assistance Corporation

“Anne-Marie is a deep listener and connects in an authentic way with the people she interacts with. This makes for a safe sounding board which is valuable for clarifying direction.”

– Gloria Partida, Mayor of Davis/Founder Davis Phoenix Coalition

“Anne-Marie is gifted in the ability of helping others to become aware of both strengths and weaknesses without being threatened. She has the ability to engage with many different interaction styles and settings. She always comes prepared.”

- Winter Chaslow, Director of Property Operations, Mutual Housing California

“Anne-Marie is a thoughtful facilitator. She takes the time to understand all sides of a situation and is skilled at bringing all sides together.”

– Kate Hutchinson, Deputy Director, Lutheran Social Services

“Anne-Marie has strong analytical skills. She is a clear communicator--written and verbal. She understands group dynamics and power imbalances. She values inclusivity and is kind, compassionate, and good humored.”

- Rachel Iskow, former CEO, Mutual Housing California